Exploring educational goals and career choices?
Embark on the journey to your professional future – with Mission Future and your own strengths

Why Mission Future?

Getting to know yourself and your – often subconscious – strengths.

Understanding strengths as a foundation to build your career choice on.

Providing (re-)orientation when exploring educational and professional choices by introducing you to your own strengths.

What is Mission Future?

Mission Future is a holistic programme that includes three self-contained, stand-alone modules. They can, however, also be used as three complementary elements.

Focus on discovering your own strengths together with your family (target age group: 12 to 16 years)

Focus on using strengths in professional roles (target age group: 12 to 18 years of age)

The third element will be revealed in summer 2021.

How does Mission Future work?

Mission Future is scientifically validated and based on many years of experience

Mission Future…

  • relies on competencies rather than knowledge,
  • is based on the PSYfiers strength approach and the Visual Implicit Profiler (VIP)®,
  • promotes positive support from people close to students (parents, teachers, friends, etc.),
  • promotes self-confidence in constructive conversations, and
  • is a lot of fun!

The showcase project:

SwissSkills Mission Future was developed in co-operation with SwissSkills and made possible by the support of their main sponsor UBS. In Switzerland, Mission Future products are offered exclusively by SwissSkills and UBS. SwissSkills and UBS have reached more than 150,000 students with SwissSkills Mission Future. Take a closer look at the successful programme: mission-future.swiss-skills.ch

Are you interested in Mission Future outside Switzerland? Please contact:

Patrick K. Magyar
PSYfiers AG – Mission Future