Our strength approach – consciously recognising and utilising unconscious resources

The strength approach developed by PSYfiers combines practical with scientific knowledge and experience. This has resulted in a unique way of working based on positive qualities and talents.

Theoretical foundations

PSYfiers views strengths as solid, positive personality traits and thus as a significant element of a human psychological resources. The prominent position of the – often unconscious – potentials in this strength approach is based on the rationale of positive psychology.

Practical framework

The practical basic framework was drawn from leading and observing performance-oriented individuals and teams. Our work has revealed various factors that were essential for the success of people as individuals and of teams.

Time to benefit from the unconscious

Are you using the results of psychological tests for your work?
And are they mostly explicit tests? Maybe it is time to try something new.

Visual Implicit Profiler (VIP)®

The Visual Implicit Profiler (VIP)® helps implementing the strength approach in everyday life. The visual questionnaire identifies and outlines positive personality traits, a person’s strength, within minutes.