Why Mission Team Development Programme?

Showing appreciation to the team members and developing their potential

Thanks to the Visual Implicit Profiler (VIP)®, Mission Team enables all team members to identify and use their own potential and strengths for the benefit of the team. This conveys appreciation, builds self-confidence, and generates motivation in both the individual and the whole group.

To lay the foundation for an (even greater) success of the team

Mission Team creates a positive atmosphere to allow team members to get to know and appreciate themselves and each other. Mission Team sets impulses that have a lasting effect. They are not based on knowledge, but on the competence of the team.

To harness the power of the unconscious

The process of «recognising your self» is at the beginning of all PSYfiers programmes. In the process, much that is unconscious has to come into consciousness, as the power of the unconscious is enormous. This is why the Visual Implicit Profiler (VIP)® implicit questionnaire plays such a significant role in Mission Team.

To create a sense of «we» through acceptance and trust

Mission Team culminates in the personal decision of team members to commit to their team. Mission Team also shows the diversity and difference of the strengths of all team members and how these can be used. This is essential since acceptance and trust are prerequisites for a purposeful sense of «we».

To make the most of the opportunities of digital and social transformations

Value-oriented human resource development, location- and time-independent teams, agile and flexible concepts, personal responsibility, self-organisation and leadership without direct authority are becoming increasingly important – at all levels. Mission Team reveals opportunities and to reduce uncertainty and resistance.

To improve teamwork

Mission Team provides insight into people’s positive qualities and leads to constructive discussions aimed at developing competence rather than knowledge very quickly. Exercises intended for after the workshop help strengthen this effect and the sense of «we».

To improve the performance of your team as a unit

Mission Team workshop culminates in the personal decision of all team members to commit to their team. A better perception of their own, each other’s strengths and improved teamwork increase the team’s willingness to perform and promote its spirit.

What Mission Team is not

Mission Team is about creating positive experiences and determining values as a team. It is a self-regulated tool without an external coach or moderator, and therefore can neither serve as an instrument for managing conflict nor represent a traditional course with the aim of mere knowledge transfer.